Saturday, August 17, 2013

Sunday Schools that Really Excel --- Edited by Steve R. Parr

Sunday School that really Excels

                Are you looking to grow your Sunday school program? Do you need to know what will help you grow? Maybe you want real life examples? If you answer is yes to any of these questions, then this book is for you; however, the church needs to be very healthy in order to excel using the methods in this book.
When I received this book I was overly excited. I couldn’t wait to tear into it and read it from cover to cover – which I did in the matter of two days. Then I took time to really read and study the book. As a youth leader in my church, I needed to know what I needed to do to help my youth group excel and grow; this book is not a good model of what it takes to really grow a youth group or Sunday school program. While it tells how a “normal” church can become extraordinary, it really focuses on what it takes to excel as a church thus producing fruit and growth. The advice in the book is sound, and it may have worked for one church but not another. I even tried some of the advice myself to help grow my own youth group – the truth is, unless your ministry is willing to put forth effort, growth just isn’t going to happen. Each one of these churches that are used as “Real-life examples” is exactly what most churches want, but can’t have. My favorite part of the book is pg. 9; “Within each believer, God has placed seeds of excellence.” Thus stating that God has placed within our lives the ability to excel.
I probably wouldn’t recommend this book to someone who is just starting a Sunday school program; however, that doesn’t mean the examples can’t be used, instead it means that you will have to till the ground until it is ready for seeds to be planted.

***This book was provided by the publisher for an unbiased opinion. No money was exchanged for a positive review.***

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