Sunday, May 20, 2018

Family Roots: Why Your Ancestors May Have Had A Bigger Impact On You Than You Realize

To a lot of people ancestry isn’t important. Matter of fact, the Bible tells us to not get involved in vain genealogies. However, one thing I have learned throughout my study of my family history is that everything in my family history has made me exactly who I am today.

My interest in all things British began the day I first saw Peter Pan fly past the Houses of Parliament to Neverland. Something in me resonated seeing the Houses of Parliament; not so much political, but I knew something was different. then I met my first English friend; from the moment she spoke I was in heaven. My parents let me watch BBC shows, Are You Being Served?, Keeping Up Appearances, Doctor Who and I got the humor. 

One day I saw a beautiful woman on TV, that everyone was calling a Princess, but she wasn’t a Disney princess; she was the real thing. I asked my mom who she was and she was telling me that this woman was the future Queen of England. Now like most kids, I figured there was no real thing as a Queen, who this was a woman who had just decided she never wanted to grow up. However, my mom, handed me a book and I started to read about this woman named Elizabeth, and how she was the Queen of this country known as England. Suddenly, all the references in my BBC shows that I didn’t get made perfect sense. 

As I got older, the more books on the British Royal family I read, but I stayed deeply connected to my roots; those that were and are buried deep in the history of the now United States. The first ancestor I ever really wanted to study was that of Tom Dula, a man accused and wrongfully convicted of murder then hung in my hometown of Statesville, NC. My great-great grandmother was a Dula, so it made sense to follow her line; in doing so, I found out that my 6th great grandfather was Tom Dula’s (made famous by the song The Ballad of Tom Dooley) uncle. Making this famous murderer my first cousin 6 times removed. Growing up singing the Ballad of Tom Dooley, and always declaring Tom’s innocence has helped me understand that sometimes we take the blame for things to keep others from suffering. 

When I started my dad’s family it wasn’t so cut and dry. Going back only a few generations I found civil war soldiers, then going back just a few more, I found that we were related to the Harrisons. I know you are probably thinking “So who are the Harrisons?” To be honest, Benjamin Harrison, the signer of the Declaration of Independence is my 8th great uncle. His son William Henry Harrison would be our 9th President. 

However, it’s Carter Henry Harrison, Benjamin’s son that gives me deeper roots into who I am. Carter married Susannah Randolph. Susannah’s father was Isham Randolph, whose sister was Jane Randolph Jefferson, the mother of Thomas Jefferson, writer of the Declaration of Independence; President and Patriot. 

So I know you are thinking now “Well you have such deep roots in the colonies and the founding of a nation, how can you remotely care about Great Britain?” It is through my Randolph roots that I find my ancestors in what is now Great Britain. My 14th great grandmother is France Tanfield, her grandmother is Catherine Neville, the daughter of Sir Edward Neville. His father George Neville was the son of Edward Neville, 3rd Baron Bergavenny and Elizabeth Beauchamp. He was knighted by Edward IV on 9 May 1471, after fighting for the King at the Battle of Tewkesbury. My 21st great-grandfather Ralph Neville, 1st Baron Neville de Raby (18 October 1262– 18 April 1331) was a Norman nobleman and member of the powerful Neville family, son of Robert de Neville and Mary FitzRanulf. Neville married first Eupheme de Clavering, daughter of Robert de Clavering (5th Baron of Warkworth & Clavering) and Margaret la Zouche, sister of Alan la Zouche, 1st Baron la Zouche of Ashby. Ralph and Euphemia had fourteen children. Ralph was buried in the choir of Coverham Abbey.

Now let’s move forward, let’s talk about my 18th great grandfather, whose daughter, Cecily Neville, who known as a Rose of Raby, married Richard Plantagenet, the 3rd Duke of York. Their son, Edward became Edward IV. His illegitimate daughter was Elizabeth Plantagenet, who while called illegitimate, was welcomed back at court by her uncle Richard III. She married Sir Thomas Lumley. Together, they had my 3rd Cousin 16x removed Roger Lumley, and his daughter Agnes married William Blackiston, whose grandson became Sir Francis 3rd Baronet Blakiston, who was married to Anne Bowes. Their daughter Elizabeth married a cousin, albeit distant named Sir William Bowes. Following this line, we come to my 13th cousin 6 times removed; Thomas George Lyon Bowes; whose great-great granddaughter would become Queen Elizabeth, wife of King George VI—thus making the current Queen of England, Elizabeth II my 17th Cousin 2x removed—and Prince Henry Charles Albert David…well that makes him my 19th cousin.

So, while it may bother some people that I can’t sing the American national anthem by heart, but I know every word to God Save the Queen, while it bothers people that I don’t own a US Flag, but I have a Union Jack, while it bothers people that I don’t know as much US history as I probably should—I have dedicated my life to the study of my family—who we are, and where we came from. Their stories have become my story—deeply personal that will and do affect me today. The ink that is indelible on the Declaration of Independence sitting in the Capital in Washington, DC is less so than the noble English blood that runs through my veins and the DNA that creates me. The revolutions of the past do have an impact on how we react to challenges in the present day.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Jerusalem, Israel and a US Embassy

Several of my more liberal friends are posting questions about the Palestinians and the Israelis. Many are condemning the IDF for protecting themselves against the Arabs;  the US media is portraying the Israelis as evil—where does it stop? Maybe if we take an honest look at the history of Israel; and maybe if we stop BLINDLY stating the Palestinian Arabs who hate Israel aren’t causing trouble; maybe we need to actually look at Israel as a NATION that has existed for more than 5000 years…and stop over simplifying the troubles there!

Over 5000 years ago, God gave the Hebrew Children the land that has now become Israel—yes, it was Canaan. However, God handed it over to the Hebrews; and it has become Israel; and has belonged to the Jews for over 5000 years. 

It was only in 636 AD that the Muslims have lived in Jerusalem. In April 637, Caliph Umar traveled to Jerusalem in person to receive the submission of the city. The Patriarch thus surrendered to him. The Muslim conquest of the city solidified the Arab control over Palestine, control which would not again be threatened until the First Crusade in the late 11th century.

Matter of fact, let’s just look at the history of Jerusalem: 

Chalcolithic Period (4500-3200 BCE)

  • 3500 BCE - First Settlement of Jerusalem
  • 2500 BCE - First Houses Built in Area
  • 1800 BCE - Construction of First City Wall
  • 1200 BCE - Jerusalem is conquered by Canaanites (Jebusites)
  • 721 BCE - Assyrians Conquer Samaria; Refugees Flee to Jerusalem and City Expands onto Western Hill
  • 701 BCE - Assyrian Ruler Sennacherib Lays Seige to Jerusalem
  • 516 BCE - Cyrus Permits Jews in Bablyonian Exile to Return to Jerusalem; Second Temple Built
  • 445-425 BCE - Nehemiah the Prophet Rebuilds the Walls of Jerusalem; City Confined to Eastern Hill
  • 141 BCE - Hasmonean Dynasty Begins; Jerusalem Again Expands Limits to Western Hill
  • 63 BCE - Roman General Pompey captures Jerusalem
  • 30 CE - Jesus Crucified by Romans in Jerusalem
  • 70 CE - Roman Forces Destroy Jerusalem and Demolish Second Temple
  • 135 CE - Jerusalem Rebuilt as a Roman City
  • 614 CE - Persians Capture Jerusalem
  • 629 CE - Byzantine Christians Recapture Jerusalem from Persians
  • 661-750 CE - Jerusalem Ruled Under Umayyad Dynasty
  • 750-974 CE - Jerusalem Ruled Under Abassid Dynasty
  • 1099 CE - First Crusaders Capture Jerusalem
  • 1187 CE - Saladin Captures Jerusalem from Crusaders
  • 1229-1244 CE - Crusaders Briefly Recapture Jerusalem Two Times
  • 1250 - Muslim Caliph Dismantles Walls of Jerusalem; Population Rapidly Declines
  • 1917 - British Capture Jerusalem in World War I
  • 1967 - Israel Captures Jerusalem's Old City and Eastern Half; Reunites City
  • 2017 - Donald Trump, President of the United States Recognizes Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel
  • 2018 - US Embassy opens in Jerusalem
So is it fair that a few Arabs who are being controlled by Hamas are getting killed? Of course, not; but these people have a choice. Their choice is to deny their false god, and embrace Israel as a nation with the right to exist. As Joshua Block said in USA Today: The timing of the decision — and the reaction to it, especially from the Arab world — have revealed some remarkable truths about the New Middle East. 

First, while most of the Arab world objected to the announcement of the Trump administration, they made a tactical decision not to back up their condemnation by any meaningful actions to support the Palestinians. Why? Because solving the Israeli-Palestinian peace process is no longer important enough for them to sacrifice more pressing security concerns.

The Arab Spring revolts have shred into pieces the myth that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the epicenter of war in the region. The stability of the region has nothing to do with checkpoints between Gaza and its neighbors. Making peace between Jerusalem and Ramallah cannot rebuild the broken cities of Syria, nor can it end sectarian strife in Iraq or the civil war in Yemen. 

The Arab world’s backing of the Palestinian cause has always been motivated by pragmatism rather than passion. Yet, now it is the exact same pragmatism over Iran’s illicit nuclear and malign non-nuclear activities which brings Israel and its Arab neighbors closer together than ever before.  

Against these changes, the U.S. recognition of Jerusalem could inject new life into the stalled peace process, for it drives home to the Palestinians that unilateralism no longer is an attractive option — and genuine peace negotiations the only viable solution.

Monday, May 7, 2018

Kregel Book Review: Messiah in the Passover

This is a Kregel Book Review: Enjoy!

In college, God preserved me walking away from the church by sitting me in the synagogue. That may not make a lot of sense, but it was the way that God connected with me and it’s where I learned a lot more about this Jewish Messiah named Jesus (Yeshua in Hebrew). MY family couldn’t understand why I wanted to attend a synagogue, especially when Jews didn’t believe in a Messiah, but because of that time in the synagogue, I was able to learn how Christianity was never supposed to be separate from Judaism, instead it was supposed to be a reformed version; a merciful, grace-filled version of Judaism. 
So when it came time to read Messiah in the Passover I couldn’t resist! I knew that I just had to read this book—especially if it meant that I could read more books that had been edited by Mitch Glasser.

Written by the Staff of Chosen People Ministries, I knew that I probably had a great resource for the professional who has already attended seminary. While I feel that I do completely already understand how Jesus fulfilled the feasts of Israel because of where I had walked in faith already, I wanted to to see how “Lay-friendly” this book is. We are coming upon a time in US history where we are either going to stand nor abandon Israel. Many so-called mainline christian denominations are starting to preach both anti-Israeli rhetoric and replacement theology—so I wanted to make sure this was a resource that I could hand over or suggest to people who are 1) curious about Jesus and how He fulfills the Passover and 2) could be used as a teaching tool in my own ministry within the Methodist Church. 

The layout of the book is great and flows extremely well! Set up in 5 parts the book, starts with biblical foundations of the Passover in Torah, then throughout the old testament; then to the Passover and church history; next you explore Jewish Traditions of the Passover; after that the communication of the Gospel through the Passover and finally celebrating the Messiah in the Passover. 

Passover in the Torah 
As many know the meat of the story of the Passover is in Exodus; every year, every Jewish home recounts the Exodus story. However, if we really delve into the story of Passover, we’ll note that Passover doesn’t begin in Exodus, rather the Passover story starts in Genesis. The Passover isn’t just a story about God saving a people that were in danger of being abolished through slavery, instead it’s a blue print of God’s redemptive plan! No matter the characters from Abram to Moses, God’s blueprint is there—how He will save the world. 

Church History and the Passover
Instead of starting with a reconstruction on how the early church celebrated Passover; this section starts with how the early Jews celebrated in the 1st century. Then it goes on to give us an example of how the Christians celebrated Passover and what we now call The Lord’s Supper. 

Jewish Tradition and the Passover
Pretty cut and dry right? Not exactly. The understanding of Passover has changed through out history, thanks to the Jewish writings about Passover—this includes the Talmud. Needless to say that Judaism is multifaceted; and because of that, so is the interpretation and understanding of Passover. 

Communicating the Gospel through the Passover
When I was in the synagogue one day, I had a Holocaust survivor come to me and tell me “Rachel, it is easy for you to come to the synagogue; especially since we claim to believe in the same God—but it is very difficult for a Jewish person to go to a Church, because you also have Jesus.” Another gentleman in the congregation used to get angry when I would come to the synagogue. He was hurt badly by Christians by being asked to leave his church for asking questions and seeking God…that when I came to the synagogue with the same issues—being hurt by the church, but still attending Liberty University, he was immediately suspicious of me. He immediately came over and said “I know why you are here, and we don’t care about Jesus, YOU can leave.” Dumbfounded, I asked the rabbi if I was welcome in the synagogue and she said “Of course, we just ask that you leave Jesus at the door, because it is hard to for Jews to understand how you can think that he’s the Messiah.” 
If you already accept Jesus Christ (Yeshua HaMishiach) as the Messiah, then it’s not hard to see how Jesus fulfills the Passover. However, this book includes two essays on how to communicate the idea of Messiah Jesus fulfilling the prophecies as Messiah of Israel. 

Celebrating Messiah in Passover
This for me was the BEST part of the book! Starting with ways to celebrate Passover as a Christian or even a Messianic believer in your home—and I also ask that you invite your Jewish friends and neighbors—not so they can “see you’re right” but so that they see you, as a believer have a sincere appreciation of Judaism and it’s teachings. Chapter 19 gives traditional Jewish recipes to use for dinner on Passover. 

So while this book is dry reading, and it is; it is well worth the read. As a Christian on my journey through faith, this book is exactly what I expected—great for both the pastor and the laity and even the congregation. I highly suggest this book for those who needs a message of hope and one of understanding what Judaism brings to us as Christians!

***I received this book free from the Publisher for an unbiased opinion and review.***

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Thank you for making this a success

I want to take a moment to thank everyone who reads this blog. Because of you, I continue to write and it is my sincere hope that this blog and the writings it contains blesses you and your walk with Jesus.

Je veux prendre un moment pour remercier tous ceux qui lisent ce blog. Grâce à vous, je continue à écrire et c'est mon espoir sincère que ce blog et les écrits qu'il contient vous bénissent ainsi que votre marche avec Jésus

Ich möchte mich kurz bei allen bedanken, die diesen Blog lesen. Wegen dir schreibe ich weiter und es ist meine aufrichtige Hoffnung, dass dieser Blog und die darin enthaltenen Schriften dich und deinen Weg mit Jesus segnen.

Haluan hetken kiittää kaikkia, jotka lukevat tämän blogin. Teidän kirjoittaessani kirjoitan edelleen ja on vilpitön toivoa, että tämä blogi ja siihen sisältyvät kirjoitukset siunaa sinua ja sinun vaellasi Jeesuksen kanssa.

Chcę poświęcić chwilę, aby podziękować wszystkim, którzy czytają ten blog. Z waszej strony kontynuuję pisanie i mam szczerą nadzieję, że ten blog i zawarte w nim pisma błogosławi was i wasze chodzenie z Jezusem.

Я хочу поблагодарить всех, кто читает этот блог. Из-за вас я продолжаю писать, и я искренне надеюсь, что этот блог и написанные им письма благословляют вас и вашу прогулку с Иисусом.

Quiero tomarme un momento para agradecer a todos los que leen este blog. Por su culpa, continúo escribiendo y espero sinceramente que este blog y las escrituras que contiene lo bendigan a usted y su caminar con Jesús.
אני רוצה לקחת רגע כדי להודות לכל מי שקורא את הבלוג הזה. בגללך, אני ממשיך לכתוב וזו תקוותי הכנה שהבלוג הזה והכתבים שהוא מכיל יברך אותך ואת ההליכה שלך עם ישו.

National Day of Prayer

How to Pray for America


“Making every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.” Ephesians 4:3
  • The present spiritual crisis in America is calling us to pray for and take all necessary actions to come together as a nation.
  • God is the only One who can bring unity, harmony, and oneness in America; therefore, we look only to Him in prayer.
  • Call upon God to empower us to make every effort to live in unity, call for unity, and forward unity in America continually.
“Now I urge you, brothers and sisters, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree in what you say, and that there be no divisions among you, and that you be united with the same understanding and the same conviction.” 1 Corinthians 1:10
  • God is calling His church in America to unify upon the authority of the Bible and the centrality of Jesus Christ, the only Savior of the world.
  • Ask God for thousands of local churches to unify as one body of Christ, agreeing together that God is our greatest need in America.
  • Call upon God for Jesus’ Church in America walks in unity, harmony, and oneness, so His Church personifies, calls, and leads America to unity.
“Also, the power of God was at work in Judah to unite them to carry out the command of the king and his officials by the word of the Lord.” 2 Chronicles 30:12
  • God’s power upon us is the only source to unite our families, workplaces, communities, and cities in America.
  • Call families, workplaces, communities, and cities to look to our only King, Jesus Christ, who is not only the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, but also the Prince of Peace who can unify us.
  • Pray for America’s families, workplaces, communities, and cities. It is the spiritual energy that leads to forgiveness, reconciliation, healing, and unity.
“For he is our peace, who made both groups one and tore down the dividing wall of hostility.” Ephesians 2:14
  • Since each of us is made in the image of God, we each bear His image regardless of the color of our skin or the uniqueness of our ethnicity.
  • Through the death of Jesus Christ on the cross, He has torn down the wall of division among all ethnicities and people.
  • In God alone, we unify and live in peace with one another; standing as one people against all racial and ethnic division, denouncing it as sin and not God’s will for us.
“They all were continually united in prayer.” Acts 1:14
  • Preceding the epic movement of God on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2, Jesus’ people were continually united in prayer together.
  • Convict the church in America to wake up spiritually, agree clearly, unite visibly, and pray extraordinarily for the next Great Spiritual Awakening in America to occur in our generation.
  • Call upon God to bring spiritual awakening now in America shaping the future of America, just as the Great Spiritual Awakenings in our history have shaped our spiritual heritage as a nation.


  • Federal: Executive, legislative, judicial
  • State: Executive, legislative, judicial
  • Local: Executive, judicial, police and first responders
  • Leaders
  • Divine protection
  • Courage and dependence on God
  • Truth-bearers
  • Life-giving
  • Unity-contributors
  • Leaders of integrity
  • Creators of economic blessing
  • Givers of resources to the community
  • Truth-centered
  • Excellence-driven
  • Opportunity-afforded
  • Gospel-centered in message
  • Disciple-makers in mission
  • Spirit-empowered to unity
  • Return to the biblical model
  • Reconciliation in broken relationships
  • Restoration to love and unity

New Blog

While this blog is great and has been a great experience for me, I have decided to keep it up, but not updated.  Please go over and follow m...