Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Reproach is a norm in the life of the Servant of God

Have you ever suffered reproach? Have you ever been told that your reasons for doing something wasn’t correct, or even what you are doing isn’t correct? Maybe your friends and loved ones have insulted you because of your fervor for the Lord?
You, my friend, are not alone. You have a whole host of people who have been reproached for their beliefs, for their zeal. 
King David suffered the reproach for his zeal for “God’s house.” He wanted to build God a house, a representation of God’s glory on Earth for God to dwell in. Not just some tent in the wilderness. The fact that David had this zeal for God, and God’s house and service to God the people reproached him. 
David, in Psalm 69:5-12 sought to motivate God to act on his behalf for he was suffering because of this zeal. The insults about God were directed to David. David, fasted because he was heavily grieved. 
When I entered seminary, I was excited to do whatever the Lord asked of me. Since entering, I have been doing various projects, but instead of some people being excited, they have come to me disapproving of my methods. Like David, I am grieved by this reproach, but I also know that if I am suffering then the people who are disapproving of what I am doing, are being challenged and are hopefully growing in some shape or form. 
There is a price to pay for zeal and for service to the Lord. Continue to be amazed and do not be discouraged by those in your life who want to bring you down. Their disapproval and reproach means they may actually be growing or at least THINKING!

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