Several of my friends often tell me "Rai, we saw your former friend and I just glared at them! Shooting flaming darts at them! They won't even talk to me! I really show them!" I usually shrug it off, because I was wrong, but this past week when someone said that to me, I looked at them and said, "Paul tells the Christian: "7The very fact that you have lawsuits among you means you are thoroughly defeated already. Why not rather be wronged? Why not rather be cheated? 8Instead, you yourselves cheat and do wrong, even against your own brothers!"
My friend looked at me very strangely and I followed it up with "How do you think it looks that one who has no right to be angry with someone is angry with them?" This may sound a bit Yoda-ish, but I have found that often times Christians misplace their anger when it comes to their friend's heartbreak or hurt.
For me, I believe I have every right to be angry at my former friend. But my friends only witnessed my hurt and my disappointment. They themselves were not hurt, were not involved directly in anything.
Friends, Jesus tells us to not let the sun go down on our anger, but He also teaches that when people will not listen to you, the shake the dust from your own feet and move on. But no where does it teach that once you move on, those left behind are to continue in negative behaviors towards the person(s).
What then are we to do? Perhaps, we are to look at them with our "Father's Eyes" and treat them as Christ treats us. Before our salvation, we were vile humans. God saw our potential, but He didn't force us to accept it. Instead, He came to us and knocked on the door of our hearts and waited until we were ready to accept His presence in our lives. Matter of fact, Paul also states "While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." God provided the final offering of atonement for our sins while we were sinners. He treated us so GOOD; while we were largely ignoring Him.
So I beg of people when people wrong you, see it as a small thing, and LOVE them as Christ loves us.
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