God's word tells us that we can cast all our cares on Him because He cares for us. However, what does that mean? What about when we do attempt to cast our cares and He seemingly doesn't answer? Are we asking for the wrong thing?

I don't think it's any big secret that I have been praying for a friend since 2014 when our friendship ended. I've been praying that they come back into my life. When that didn't happen, I attempted to force it to happen, with legal consequences. So I changed my prayer; I prayed that I could share the gospel with this person and that hasn't happened either. Matter of fact, when I came home from Kenya, they had moved away. Yet my heart is still prayerful for this person and her family.
Why? Because they need prayer. Yet, I realize that I also deserve to be happy. Psalm 37:4 says 'Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart!" The desire of my heart is for two things: 1) Happiness and 2) for my friend to open her heart to Jesus Christ. Then maybe someday I'll get that hug I have been waiting for!
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