Sunday, February 16, 2020

Lectio Divina: A Lenten Journey

I am going to be taking some time off from writing on this blog. I have been writing here for years and while this will continue to be my primary ministry blog, I want to take time to practice Lectio Divina. While working on this practice, I plan on writing a blog called One Year with Lectio Divina. I feel there is much to be learned from praying and listening to what God is saying to us through His word.

Again this blog isn't going away, but I do plan on spending less time on the blog, so that I can write and journal my Lectio Divina journey. I plan on starting my Lectio Journey officially on Feb. 26th, Ash Wednesday as part of my Lenten devotion. In addition to my Lenten season I will be re-reading The Cross and the Beatitudes by Fulton Sheen.

I will only write here if something happens in the UMC that I feel is worth writing here or God provides me a topic. Otherwise, I will be seeing you all after Lent.

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