Having recently bought my own home, I have realized how much money goes into living. A $100 here, $50 there. It’s amazing! As a state employee I make below the poverty level and meet all the criteria for poverty; food stamps and well-fare. However, being an honest person I refuse to use the welfare system.
So cutting corners is the best I can do to make sure that I have the income needed to run a successful household. The best corner that I have managed to cut is by making my own laundry soaps and softeners.
This tub of laundry soap cost me only $30 dollars to make, and as you can see I have used less than half of it. Having made it in January, it’s made it to month six (June); and it’s made just for High Efficiency (front end loading) washers that need low sudsing soaps. We have always equated bubbles with cleanliness. This however, is not true. Bubbles don’t equal clean-it equals bubbles; then take all the chemicals that are in commercial made soaps.
Having been using this for 6 months; I can say that my clothing all smells good, it’s clean and most of all, there isn’t a soapy residue left that many commercially made detergents leave.
Pennywise savings???
Store Bought Soap: $.20 per load
Homemade Soap: $.07 per load
Over 50% savings

Next time: Making your own soap!
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