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Meme I posted, it was in bad taste. I removed it and apologized. |
Everyone that knows me, knows that I am a traditionalist when it comes to all forms of sexual immorality. I don't believe in premarital sex, I don't believe in extramarital sex, I don't believe in homosexuality. I believe that gender dysphoria is a real diagnosis--as does the American Psychiatry Association. Yet we have an entire generation that doesn't think that it's real...matter of fact, it's a mental illness that is to be celebrated instead of cured.
Earlier in the day, the news reported that a trans-gender man (male to female) had his titles removed in powerlifting because he's not biologically a woman. I simply agreed with this proposal. I actually posted a meme that was in bad taste. As you can imagine loads of people decided to harass me over it. Friends we have a whole generation that thinks God has made mistakes; or worse that God doesn't even exist. They are headed straight into the pit of hell and there is nothing we can say to help them.
Every day, I see a new status update by friends who are gay stating "I am so lonely...this hurts." "I didn't choose this, and God knows I wouldn't have chosen this life." I'll be the first to tell my friends, I don't understand your loneliness. I can't imagine being that depressed. However, I do understand loneliness and I do understand depression. The one that has made all the difference in my life, is that I have put my life and my future in the hands of a loving God. I am called to a life that is held in high standard compared to that of the world. That rich man that Jesus said "Take up your cross and follow me." (Matthew 19:16-30) That was me, by the world's standard, I was rich and still am. Yet by God's holy standard, I was depleted of funds and running low on cash. Yet as soon as I turned my life back over to Jesus, I found myself no longer depleted on funds.
Each day that I see these statuses from my "fun side of the rainbow friends" I remind them that while I don't agree with them, I do, like the UMC 2016 Book of Discipline states “affirm that all persons are individuals of sacred worth, created in the image of God,” and that all persons need the ministry of the church."
Yet, the very acceptance that the LGBTQIA community is seeking is actually continuing to lead to their own suicidal deaths. In an Huffington Post article by Michael Hobbes, a gay man, writes "Gay men everywhere, at every age, are two to ten times more likely than heterosexual men to commit suicide." As recently as March 1, 2019, a study by the American Journal of Preventative Medicine published the finding "that lesbian and gay people are likelier than straight people to have reported a “depressed mood” or “intimate partner problems and arguments” before dying by suicide." In 2016, it was reportedthat “Homosexuals who ‘marry’ each other are almost three times more likely to commit suicide than their heterosexual counterparts, even in very gay-friendly Sweden, according to a study published in the May issue of the European Journal of Epidemiology.”
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Evidently dehumanizing is okay to the progressives |
So maybe you are asking yourself about the title of this blog, where did that come from. Well one person after I posted the meme, had the audacity to tell me "Go back to Russia, Traitor! You're not even human!" Nothing bothers me in the world more than people dehumanizing someone.
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It was okay to this man too... |
The sad thing is the progressives talk about us in their speeches; they compare us to Nazis, yet they forget that their own words, were used before--would you like to wager a guess by whom? That's right! Adolf Hitler! Matter of fact, it's well known that Hitler stated "Jews are not people; they are animals." Friends, evidently I have been reduced to nothing more than an animal by the progressive left.
Surely the spirit of Anti-Christ is among us. I can no longer honestly say that being a Christian is going to be protected; our very rights are being taken from us left and right. I used to say the day is coming that we won't be a protected people, however, that day is truly now! If people are already trying to dehumanize Christians, it means they are trying make us subservient to their own spiritual slavery. John 10:10 reminds us "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly." However, my complete comfort comes from John 15:18 "If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you."
Thank you for your witness and your conviction to Biblical principles of marriage and sexuality.