It wasn't so long ago that I became the last single lady in my single ladies bible study. Matter of fact, it's been only weeks. Each one of my friends, Kayley, Ellie, Elizabeth, Jessica, Tosha, and Marilyn all married the loves of their life. I am friends with each one still (except one) and their husbands. I am treated as an equal among my friends; and I don't feel as if I am any less because I am still single.

Just prior to this Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 7:8 To the unmarried and the widows I say that it is good for them to remain single as I am.
Matter of fact, I like how Joy Beth Smith said it "Singleness is not simply a season to be weathered, a waiting room, or a holding cell. It's not temporal by design, and it doesn't exist only to usher you into something great. Singleness is a valid life stage." She goes on to say in her book "Party of One" "We put too much aside if we wait for marriage."
I think one question that comes to mind for singles is how do I honor and serve a God that has the power to change my circumstances but chooses not to, causing me immense loneliness and pain? I'll be quite honest and tell you I don't have the answer; for me it was praying that I could understand why at 40 I was still single, when all of my friends were getting married. It is okay to be single; maybe you aren't in a season of waiting, maybe you are in a season of service to God. Instead of praying that God releases your future husband, pray that God shows you exactly why you are still single. I know for a fact that if I was married, I wouldn't be where I am in ministry. I wouldn't have been able to grab life, yes, it has been lonely, it's been hard, but I wouldn't have been able to go to Ireland, the Bahamas, Kenya, because my life would have to be dedicated to my husband. I wouldn't have been able to serve God without distractions.
So tonight, I want to encourage all the single ladies who are aching for love to remember you are loved; you are priceless and above all, this is a valid life stage...what are you putting aside while begging God for something He may have already said no to?
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