Saturday, May 5, 2012

A Christian speaks out! Wake up!

        I realize this post is going to offend some people...but I am to the point in my life where I really don’t care. Why don’t I care? Because I am tired of the “atheist” getting what they want, yet I am shut down for what I have to say. Just consider this my Madea moment and move on if you can’t handle this post!
Freedom of religion is quickly becoming a joke in America. Why? Because some parents feel threatened that their children may hear a prayer, may read a Bible verse or may start to believe they need this “crutch” in life...but more than that, they feel threatened that their child may become a JESUS FREAK!
That’s right, I said it! People, I hate to break it to you, but the very foundations of only TWO countries in the world have been founded on the Principles of God--Israel and the United States. Even George Washington said “the federal government can never be in danger of degenerating into a monarchy, an oligarchy, an aristocracy or any other despotic or oppressive form so long as there shall remain any virtue in the body of the people.” 
I know you are thinking, “So what is your point, our government is secular?” YES it is! However, my CONSTITUTIONAL right is FREEDOM OF RELIGION without the Government’s input. 
This isn’t to say that you can’t say “But Rachel, there is no god.” Okay, so maybe to you there isn’t. But what harm is it going to do to YOU if I choose to believe in God? Is it going to make your little perfect world crumble if I choose to believe in a deity that I can’t see?
The reason that people aren’t threatened by Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism or Islam is because their gods are not real, they don’t live, they don’t breathe, and they have NO real power. 
The curious thing isn’t that the name God is offensive, I mean there are gods in any religion and even in non-religious homes! What is offensive to people is “THE NAME”...the name of JESUS! The very mention of a man who is willing to love you despite your sins, despite your inward ugliness, despite your cracked personality and despite yourself. The name of Jesus is what offends people. Why? Yet, Jesus LOVES people, He can touch you, He lived and breathed among men, matter of fact, He offered up the ultimate sacrifice and that was Himself in place of others.
So why is the name of Jesus so offensive? Because without Jesus there is no real life--no real adventure. It is the Power of Jesus that can change your life and that scares people. They are in a comfort zone--and I am talking not only to nonbelievers but Christians also. You are scared that if you put complete faith in Jesus your life will come to an end, you won’t be able to control your destiny, but I hate to tell you this, you’re not in charge anyway! So why not just believe? 
Instead of telling me “Rachel, so I don’t believe in God or Jesus...therefore you can’t talk about Him to my children in school, you can’t speak about him at your home, you can’t talk about Him in the restaurant...” true religious freedom (which only comes through faith in Jesus) would be “Rachel, I don’t believe, but you can if you really want to, and it doesn’t bother me for you to speak about it publicly nor does it offend me for you to practice your religion!” 

Note: I use the traditional English titles of “Christian” and the more common name “Jesus” of their universal meanings--and offensiveness. If I used the names and titles “Yeshua” and “Messianics” then the meaning and truth behind this post would be lost! All offensiveness in this article is meant to offend those who don’t know Jesus Christ and are threatened by my personal faith. It is not meant to offend Jewish or Gentile members of our Faith!

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