Saturday, August 13, 2016

Revival 8/12/16

Here we have another message that I felt God impressing upon me as I was writing. I do not claim to speak for God, however, I always allow God to use me and my blog when I feel like He has a message for us today. 

Revival is coming! Revival is coming to the church. You are hungry, you are thirsty, but so much has happened that you don't realize that your thirst and hunger are making you weak. How long do you stand in the word; how often do you read what I have to say; how often do you seek my will? How long will it take you to come back to me?

I tell you the fields are ripe with grain, yet the harvesters are few. Why do you delay? What do you have to fear? I am with you always, I don't leave you, I am never absent from your presence. All you have to do is call upon me. Call me with groans in your spirit, call me with the words of your mouth. I am here!

Revival is coming! I promise that you will be ready, I will give you boldness to stand on my word, I will give your knowledge and understanding. Hang on a while longer,..teach your young men and women to sing, to dance and to praise me. Show them my presence, let them know that you can only experience me when you are completely submitted to me.

I am here always, I am here...and revival is coming!

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