Tuesday, January 1, 2019

A Time of Reflection; A Time to Look Forward

January 1, 2019; today I took some time out to reflect on the last year. At this time in 2018, I was excitedly awaiting a letter from Duke Divinity School, nervously awaiting dCom (District Committee on Ordained Ministry) and working as a specialist in my current job. Not much has changed since that first day in 2018; except that I got deferred from Duke Divinity School and I was deferred with my dCom. 

This year, 2019, however, I am looking forward to many new experiences. The first is that I am starting back on my weight-loss journey. As many know I did a lifestyle change 2 years ago, called Take Shape for Life (now known as Optavia). I did really well without buying into the program—using everything I learned from books. Unfortunately with the stresses of candidacy I quickly fell off the wagon. This year, I have decided to restart that journey. 

Many folks may not know this, but in 2018, I have decided to take a bold stand for Christ. This means that instead of flying under the radar and just saying “yes” to everything I would look at it through a Biblical Worldview—this has in some instances caused me to lose friends, and in others, it’s allowed them to realize that while I may not see eye to eye with them on everything we can still challenge and love one another. This bold stance for Biblical standards has caused ripples, not only within my own circle of friends, but also within my district and I am now flagged as possibly undesirable due to my conservative beliefs. 

As I go forward in 2019, I am going to be writing some articles that will deal with studies that I do. The first one I will write about will be a Line by Line breakdown article, like I did with The Apostle’s Creed. I have several topics that I hope to tackle this year in addition to writing what God places on my heart. Topics will possibly include rediscovering the Torah for today’s Christian, balancing the Old and New Testaments, Waiting for God—not the British Comedy; an honest look at some cults and how they disregard God’s scripture—these will be look at through the Wesleyan Quadrilateral; I may even tackle some topics/scriptures in Biblical Prophecy. In late February, you’ll have an article about the General Conference for the UMC to look forward to. 

As a brother in faith today was telling me, “God has some MIGHTY things going on this year, we must be ready!” Friends, God has some amazing things going on and we MUST be ready! 

I look forward to journeying with you during this next year!

I wish you blessings of grace and peace!

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