Sunday, February 27, 2022

God doesn't give a Spirit of Fear

Most weekends I spend time with my parents, usually it's a Sunday afternoon. We visit and we chat or do chores around the house. Today was no different. I spent time with my mother, then went to the grocery store, came home washed some dishes and sat down to do online work. I turned on my TV to have it playing in the background and the BBC World Service broke their regularly scheduled program to bring the breaking news that Vladamir Putin had put Nuclear Force Teams on high alert. 

I called my parents immediately and said to my mom who answered "We need to stop everything and pray. Putin has put nuclear weapons on high alert and he's blaming the sanctions from the west." So I asked my dad "Do you think he would use them?" My dad said "I...I don't know. He has weapons that can reach the US." 

Friends, I won't lie, we are living in a scary time. I finally told my parents tonight, "I have been a nervous wreck since this entire war started." War is scary. People make jokes, "get yourself a Gen X friend." Our former President is calling our "leaders dumb" while praising and stroking the ego of the very man that is attacking our allies. Our leaders aren't dumb, they are trying to keep us out of a war that could have very dire consequences for the US. 

So am I scared? Heck yeah! Yet, I have found that my faith is also feeling stronger, when I start to feel nervous with everything that is going on, I think of 2 Timothy 1:7 (ESV) for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.

Isn't that amazing? God has given us a spirit not of fear! And I am as 2 Timothy 1:12b says I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed, and I am convinced that he is able to guard until that day what has been entrusted to me. God is going to guard us until the day that He has entrusted for us. 

This understanding that nothing is going to happen without 1) God ordaining it, and 2) God knowing the outcome brings with it so much peace. 

Friday, February 25, 2022

A Prayer for Ukraine

A friend of mine posted today that she was tired of watching history take place. I know what she's saying, she is tired of watching the big things in history take place. At 42, I have lived through a pandemic, and now I am watching what I have described as the beginning of World War III. If you don't know what I am talking about, Russia has started an all out war against Ukraine. 

And tonight I am sitting here, much like my friend said, "tired of watching history happen." Mainly I am heartbroken for the people of the Ukraine. I am nervous because of the threats that are being made against anyone who tries to help the Ukraine. Russia had over 6000 nuclear weapons and the President of Russia isn't afraid to use them. 

Matthew 24:6 (ESV) And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet.

I take heart that the end is not yet, but I don't take heart that the war has come. Innocent children, men and women are being hurt tonight, they are having to flee their homes and yet here we sleep comfortably in our beds. My heart is broken for the people of Ukraine. I have had people ask me "why does this matter?" My response has been selfish, because "if Putin can attack Ukraine, an independent nation, what is stopping him from attacking other European countries? Or even the US?"

However, tonight I am taking time to pray for Ukraine and for peace. 

Today when I watched BBC, I saw a woman standing in the street bold as ever, prayer book in hand and the reporter walked up and said "what are you doing?" The woman looked at him, and said "I am a woman of God, and I know God can bring peace to our countries."  This meant so much to me, because how often do we who live in relative safety actually pray with that kind of intention? 

So I am writing a prayer tonight for Ukraine, for Russia and for our World. 

God, Humbly I come, a poor repentant sinner. I am not worthy to ask for you to hear my prayer, but I know that you will, because you are good, good father. God, tonight my heart is broken. I watch the news and I see the hate that is manifesting itself in our country, and I see the hate that is manifesting itself in Europe. Tonight God, right at this moment as bombs are falling in Kyiv, I pray that You bring peace to the hearts and minds of the citizens of Ukraine.

I am coming boldly before your throne and I ask that you are with the people of the Ukraine. Those who know you personally, be with those that don't that they may know you. Father, God, send your angels to protect those that need protecting, send your angels to minister those who need ministering to; send a messenger to Putin; soften his heart to You, God.

Turn the hearts of the soldiers from Russia, make them bold to do the right thing and stand against their current leader. 

God, Satan has come to kill, steal and destroy, but we, WE YOUR CHILDREN stand against Satan, we stand in the gap and we pray for PEACE over the UKRAINE. 

I pray for the Christian brothers and sisters in Ukraine and in Russia; I pray for President Zelensky that you will give him Godly wisdom to know how to handle this situation. 

God, I pray you send a messenger to Valdimir Putin. That you soften his heart to hear a message of Peace from the Prince of Peace Himself. 

God, bring reconciliation to the Ukraine and to Russia. Bring the War to a just yet swift end; and as we join our brothers and sisters in prayer, God break our hearts from what breaks yours. 

Praying with our brothers and sisters in Ukraine as they pray: 

Our Father who art in Heaven,
Hallowed be Thy Name. 
Thy Kingdom Come, Thy will be done, 
on Earth as it is in Heaven. 
Give us this day our daily bread, 
forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those 
who trespass against us. 
Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. 
For Thine is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory forever

In Ukrainian: 
Отче наш, що єси на небесах,
Нехай святиться ім'я Твоє.
Прийде Царство Твоє, нехай буде воля Твоя,
на землі, як і на небі.
Хліба нашого насущного дай нам сьогодні,
прости нам провини наші, як і ми прощаємо ті
які грішать проти нас.
Не введи нас у спокусу, але визволи нас від зла.
Бо Твоє є Царство, і Сила, і Слава навіки

In Russian: 
Отче наш, сущий на небесах,
Да святится имя Твое.
Да приидет Царствие Твое, да будет воля Твоя,
на земле, как на небе.
Дай нам на сей день хлеб наш насущный,
прости нам согрешения наши, как и мы прощаем тем
кто посягает на нас.
Не введи нас в искушение, но избавь нас от лукавого.
Ибо Твое есть Царство и Сила и Слава во веки

Monday, February 21, 2022

A message for Russian and Ukrainian Unbelievers

Over the past few weeks we in America have been hearing of impending war in the Ukraine. We keep hearing that Russia is going to invade the Ukraine. We can't help but be nervous, not only for our brothers and sisters in the Ukraine, but our brothers and sisters in Russia, and especially for the unbelieving in these countries that will be effected by war. 
If I could say one thing to the unbelievers in Russia, the Ukraine, and around the world is that God loves you. In fact, He loves you so much that He sent His only Son to live among us and to die for our sins.
Christ experienced death and judgment so that we wouldn't have to. But Christ died for our sins, He paid the penalty of God’s judgment against sins, so that God can be wholly just – for He sees to it that no sin goes unpunished. Indeed, “without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sins” (Hebrews 9:22). But Christ did far more for us than die for our sins. Just like a coin has two sides, what Christ did for us also has two sides. The end of this verse says, “being put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit.” On the negative side, Jesus was put to death in the flesh for our sins to satisfy the justice of God; on the positive side, he was made alive in the spirit, “that he might bring us to God.” That is, that He might show us the love of God. Just like his death in the flesh is once for all, his resurrection in the spirit is also once for all and everlasting.
God doesn’t just patch over sin, covering us for a little while, until sin breaks out again. God doesn’t just trim the weeds; God roots them out. God doesn’t offer bypass surgery; He gives us a new heart. Not a new heart of flesh, but a new heart in the spirit, because Christ was made alive in the spirit. With the Holy Spirit in our hearts, we have this intimate, infinite and permanent connection with God. The Holy Spirit is our power source that will never have a blackout, that will never short circuit. It is as if we are plugged into the power source of the entire universe. Furthermore, this power source is wireless, and has infinite range, with no areas of poor reception –because it is from the infinitely powerful Holy Spirit. So when Christ dies for us, the righteous for the unrighteous, he takes away sin from us – and He gives us new life, so that we become children of God. That’s why the Apostle Paul says, “but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, ‘Abba! Father!’” (Romans 8:15). If you are ready to have a new life, all you have to do is acknowledge that you are a sinner and ask Christ to be your savior. 
I have included a simple prayer below: 
Jesus, I believe you are the Son of God, that you died on the cross to rescue me from sin and death and to restore me to the Father. I choose now to turn from my sins, my self-centeredness, and every part of my life that does not please you. I choose you. I give myself to you. I receive your forgiveness and ask you to take your rightful place in my life as my Savior and Lord. Come reign in my heart, fill me with your love and your life, and help me to become a person who is truly loving—a person like you. Restore me, Jesus. Live in me. Love through me. Thank you, God. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
If you prayed this prayer, I can't stay that your life will be easy, God doesn't tell us that life will be easy, but God does tell us that He will give us peace. So while accepting Christ as your savior won't stop the impending war, it means that you will know that no matter what you belong to Christ. 
In Ukrainian: 
Протягом останніх кількох тижнів ми в Америці чули про те, що в Україні насувається війна. Ми постійно чуємо, що Росія збирається вторгнутися в Україну. Ми не можемо не хвилюватися не тільки за наших братів і сестер в Україні, але й за наших братів і сестер в Росії, а особливо за невіруючих у цих країнах, які постраждають від війни.
Якби я міг сказати одну річ невіруючим в Росії, Україні та всьому світі, це те, що Бог любить вас. Насправді Він так любить вас, що послав Свого Єдинородного Сина жити серед нас і померти за наші гріхи.
Христос пережив смерть і суд, щоб нам не довелося. Але Христос помер за наші гріхи, Він заплатив Божий суд над гріхами, щоб Бог міг бути цілком справедливим – бо Він піклується про те, щоб жоден гріх не залишився безкарним. Справді, «без пролиття крові немає прощення гріхів» (Євреїв 9:22). Але Христос зробив для нас набагато більше, ніж помер за наші гріхи. Так само, як монета має дві сторони, те, що Христос зробив для нас, також має дві сторони. У кінці цього вірша сказано: «убитий тілом, але оживлений духом». З негативного боку, Ісус був убитий у тілі за наші гріхи, щоб задовольнити справедливість Бога; з позитивного боку, він ожив у дусі, «щоб привести нас до Бога». Тобто, щоб Він показав нам Божу любов. Подібно до того, як Його смерть у тілі є раз назавжди, Його воскресіння в дусі також раз назавжди і назавжди.
Бог не просто латає гріх, прикриваючи нас на деякий час, поки гріх не вибухне знову. Бог не просто підстригає бур’яни; Бог їх викорінює. Бог не пропонує шунтування; Він дає нам нове серце. Не нове серце з плоті, але нове серце в дусі, бо Христос ожив духом. Маючи Святий Дух у наших серцях, ми маємо цей інтимний, нескінченний і постійний зв’язок з Богом. Святий Дух – це наше джерело енергії, яке ніколи не буде відключено, яке ніколи не буде короткого замикання. Ми ніби підключені до джерела енергії всього Всесвіту. Крім того, це джерело живлення є бездротовим і має нескінченну дальність дії, без областей поганого прийому, тому що воно походить від нескінченно потужного Святого Духа. Отже, коли Христос вмирає за нас, праведний за неправедних, Він забирає з нас гріх – і Він дає нам нове життя, щоб ми стали дітьми Божими. Тому апостол Павло каже: «Ви ж як сини прийняли Духа усиновлення, яким ми кличемо: Авва! Отче!» (Римлян 8:15). Якщо ви готові мати нове життя, все, що вам потрібно зробити, це визнати, що ви грішники, і попросити Христа бути вашим спасителем.
Нижче я включив просту молитву:
Ісусе, я вірю, що Ти Син Божий, що Ти помер на хресті, щоб врятувати мене від гріха і смерті і повернути мене до Отця. Тепер я вибираю відвернутися від своїх гріхів, від своєї егоцентричності та від кожної частини мого життя, яка тобі не подобається. я вибираю тебе. Я віддаю себе тобі. Я отримую твоє прощення і прошу тебе зайняти належне місце в моєму житті як мого Спасителя і Господа. Прийди, царюй у моєму серці, наповни мене своєю любов’ю і своїм життям і допоможи мені стати людиною, яка справді любить – такою, як ти. Віднови мене, Ісусе. Живи в мені. Любов через мене. Спасибі тобі, Господи. В ім’я Ісуса я молюся. Амінь.
Якщо ви молилися цією молитвою, я не можу залишитися, щоб ваше життя було легким, Бог не каже нам, що життя буде легким, але Бог каже нам, що Він дасть нам мир. Тож, якщо прийняти Христа як свого Спасителя, це не зупинить війну, що насувається, це означає, що ви будете знати, що незалежно від того, що ви належите Христові.
In Russian: 
За последние несколько недель мы в Америке слышали о надвигающейся войне на Украине. Мы постоянно слышим, что Россия собирается вторгнуться в Украину. Мы не можем не нервничать не только за наших братьев и сестер на Украине, но и за наших братьев и сестер в России, и особенно за неверующих в этих странах, которые будут затронуты войной.
Если бы я мог сказать неверующим в России, на Украине и во всем мире, что Бог любит вас. На самом деле, Он любит вас так сильно, что послал Своего единственного Сына жить среди нас и умереть за наши грехи.
Христос пережил смерть и суд, чтобы нам не пришлось. Но Христос умер за наши грехи, Он уплатил наказание Божьего суда над грехами, чтобы Бог мог быть совершенно справедливым, ибо Он следит за тем, чтобы ни один грех не оставался безнаказанным. Действительно, «без пролития крови не бывает прощения грехов» (Евреям 9:22). Но Христос сделал для нас гораздо больше, чем просто умер за наши грехи. Как у медали две стороны, так и то, что сделал для нас Христос, тоже имеет две стороны. В конце этого стиха говорится: «Быть ​​умерщвленным по плоти, но ожившим в духе». С другой стороны, Иисус был предан смерти во плоти за наши грехи, чтобы удовлетворить Божью справедливость; с положительной стороны, он ожил в духе, «чтобы привести нас к Богу». То есть, чтобы Он мог показать нам любовь Божью. Подобно тому, как его смерть во плоти один раз для всех, его воскресение в духе также один раз для всех и навсегда.
Бог не просто исправляет грех, покрывая нас на какое-то время, пока грех снова не вырвется наружу. Бог не просто подстригает сорняки; Бог искоренит их. Бог не предлагает шунтирование; Он дает нам новое сердце. Не новое сердце из плоти, но новое сердце в духе, потому что Христос ожил в духе. Со Святым Духом в наших сердцах у нас есть эта тесная, бесконечная и постоянная связь с Богом. Святой Дух — это наш источник энергии, который никогда не отключится, никогда не произойдет короткого замыкания. Мы словно подключены к источнику энергии всей Вселенной. Кроме того, этот источник питания является беспроводным и имеет бесконечный радиус действия, без зон плохого приема, потому что он исходит от бесконечно могущественного Святого Духа. Итак, когда Христос умирает за нас, праведник за неправедных, Он снимает с нас грех – и дает нам новую жизнь, чтобы мы стали детьми Божьими. Вот почему Апостол Павел говорит: «Но вы получили Духа усыновления, Которым мы вопием: Авва! Отец!» (Римлянам 8:15). Если вы готовы к новой жизни, все, что вам нужно сделать, это признать, что вы грешник, и попросить Христа стать вашим спасителем.
Я включил простую молитву ниже:
Иисус, я верю, что Ты Сын Божий, что Ты умер на кресте, чтобы спасти меня от греха и смерти и вернуть меня Отцу. Сейчас я выбираю отвернуться от своих грехов, своего эгоцентризма и всего того, что не нравится тебе в моей жизни. Я выбираю тебя. Я отдаю себя тебе. Я принимаю ваше прощение и прошу вас занять подобающее вам место в моей жизни как моего Спасителя и Господа. Приди, царствуй в моем сердце, наполни меня своей любовью и своей жизнью и помоги мне стать по-настоящему любящим человеком — таким, как ты. Восстанови меня, Иисус. Живи во мне. Любовь через меня. Спасибо тебе, Господи. Во имя Иисуса я молюсь. Аминь.
Если вы помолились этой молитвой, я не могу оставаться в стороне от того, что ваша жизнь будет легкой, Бог не говорит нам, что жизнь будет легкой, но Бог говорит нам, что Он даст нам мир. Поэтому, хотя принятие Христа как своего Спасителя не остановит надвигающуюся войну, это означает, что вы будете знать, что независимо от того, что вы принадлежите Христу.

Saturday, February 5, 2022

Depression in the Church...3rd visit...

Last week the country was shocked to learn that Chelsie Kryst killed herself. The young woman who was a former Miss North Carolina, 2019 Miss USA, was also an attorney and a correspondent for Extra and many had no idea she was in such pain. The question becomes “How many people have mental illness that you know?” 

According to NIMH mental illnesses are common in the United States. Nearly one in five U.S. adults live with a mental illness (52.9 million in 2020). Mental illnesses include many different conditions that vary in degree of severity, ranging from mild to moderate to severe.  

Mental illness is by far and large is not addressed but should be. With the advent of Social media, there are been an increase in mental health issues. Social media has a reinforcing nature. Using it activates the brain’s reward center by releasing dopamine, a “feel-good chemical” linked to pleasurable activities such as sex, food, and social interaction. The platforms are designed to be addictive and are associated with anxietydepression, and even physical ailments. 69% of adults and 81% of teens in the U.S. use social media. This puts a large amount of the population at an increased risk of feeling anxious, depressed, or ill over their social media use. What is worse is that bullies use social media to socially out people or even shun them. 

How do we address mental health with the advent of social media? Bullying behind a computer monitor? How does the church address mental health? I have written several articles around how the church should address mental health. I think my writings are pretty important because I suffer from depression. It may not be debilitating, I don’t think about suicide, heck, most of the time I am normal. I have my moments though, sometimes I may be listening to a Brandi Carlile song and start crying because something in the song touches me so deeply or reminds me of someone I love and miss. I have a pretty good handle on my depression. 

Dr. Matthew Stanford, CEO of the Hope and Healing Center & Institute in Houston, Texas stated,  

When I speak to pastors, they’re often very surprised to hear that they’re more likely to be engaged than physicians or mental health care providers. And some say, “Well, perhaps those are just people that aren’t as ill.” But research shows that those individuals engaging clergy for assistance are equivalently ill to those seeking out psychiatrists. They are people with very serious mental health care problems. But they don’t walk in and say, “I woke up today and I think I’m bipolar.” They say “I’m having spiritual problems. I’m having a relational problem. I’m having financial issues.” They talk about the same things as anybody else coming to a pastor for help. They just aren’t aware that a mental health problem is at the root of their problems. When you survey pastors, the vast majority, 70 to 80 percent say they don’t feel adequately trained to recognize a mental health condition in a congregant. Ninety percent of pastors provide some type of pastoral counseling, but then less than 10 percent ever make a referral. And less than a quarter of congregations ever develop any kind of structured approach to caring for or serving individuals with mental health problems. A large number of people are coming, but few are being served adequately. 

The first thing we have to do is train our clergy adequately so that they can help. 

Unfortunately when people mention to the church anything about mental illness they are, as Lisa Diaczynsky wrote in the student actives website for Liberty University “ For me, anytime I brought up struggles with depression, anxiety, and even my relationship with food, I was met with three common misconceptions.

  1. Have you surrendered your condition to the Lord?
  2. God is just testing your faith. You should really pray more about this.
  3. Mental illness is just a sign of spiritual immaturity; through prayer and growth, it’ll go away.

Each of these are not only inaccurate but have been detrimental in my journey to find liberation. I remember being prayed over week after week in youth groups and prayer times with no change in my situation. I began to question what I was doing wrong, was I saying the wrong words when I prayed? Was I not praying enough? I eventually tried to ignore my mental health situation. Thinking if I could forget about it, it would be okay. This led to an overflow of emotions and fears and doubts in my mind. The issue was never resolved, it just grew until I knew something had to change.

The church has a shaky relationship with mental health. Dewey Mullis wrote for's website, “A friend once shared with me, “When someone came home from having knee surgery, half of the church brought food and sent cards. When my husband came home from the hospital after a suicide attempt, our fridge stayed its usual empty.” 

For me, what would really help is if the pastor or speaker at any given time would speak about mental health/illness. In fact it’s imperative that pastors speak on this. “Fear of speaking on tough or taboo topics in church is profoundly counter to the church’s objective of being a safe and welcoming place for peace-seekers and those in need of care.” According to Mullis. 

Lisa Diaczynsky provided this simple yet effective list that could help others in how to deal or understand mental health: 

  1. Be present. Listen. Don’t provide solutions.
  2. Be intentional. Pursue your friend even if it feels like they are pulling away.
  3. Ask what they need or what would be helpful.
  4. Pray for them on your own (or with them if that is something they are asking for).

New Blog

While this blog is great and has been a great experience for me, I have decided to keep it up, but not updated.  Please go over and follow m...