Monday, January 9, 2017

Biting leads to Destruction

A simple word, a little white lie, an entire conspiracy theory--are at best things that Christians need to be wary of. Just like a bomb, one misspoken word, one lie, one conspiracy theory will cause a ripple and do more harm than previously believed.
Today while on Facebook I saw a “friend” had written
As everyone plays and is distracted history repeats itself and the Bible unfolds before the eyes of those watching and praying. Absolutely amazing. Folks you’re missing out. Do some research on today, the Islam calendar and Jesuit order. ISIS is not powered by Muslims it's their forbidden month. Look up Jesuit history and the Catholic Church, it will shock you! The pope is Jesuit.

Immediately my heart ached; and God brought Galatians 5:15 to my heart. “But if you keep on biting and devouring one another, watch out or you will be consumed by one another.” Instantly, I decided to come to my office and study the verse; and I found in verse 14 that Paul taught (as Christ did) “The entire law is fulfilled in a single decree “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Why do we find that so hard to do?
Needless to say I was a bit dumbfounded when I read Martin Luther’s Commentary on verse 15; but I couldn’t help but agree with him. Martin Luther states:

When faith in Christ is overthrown peace and unity come to an end in the church. Diverse opinions and dissensions about doctrine and life spring up, and one member bites and devours the other, i.e., they condemn each other until they are consumed. To this the Scriptures and the experience of all times bear witness. The many sects at present have come into being because one sect condemns the other. When the unity of the spirit has been lost there can be no agreement in doctrine or life.”

As I continued my study, I read in the Jameson-Fausset-Brown Bible commentary that to bite meant to backbite or attack the character of another. The Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges stated that the attacks would consist of abuses and slanderous accusations. Barnes’ Notes on the Bible stated that the Greek for Bite was “Dakno” and it was used also to describe how wild beasts attack each other. We know from our own study of animals that often times they will fight until both are dead--so it is within the church--we’ll continue to fight each other until we destroy the spirituality and happiness of one another; thus ruining the character of and overthrowing the church.
Can we as a Christians, whether Catholic, or Protestant really afford to continue to fight one another? Can we afford to continue using conspiracy theories to prove points that are not even valid or truthful? Brothers and Sisters, the church is in trouble, but it’s not just our leaders; we need to look at ourselves and how we are throwing out messages of falsehoods that can’t be proven. You want to fulfill the law? Then instead of breaking the law—which you do through attacks and trying to harm your fellow believers—try loving them.

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